2. I am so proud of my 15 YO son and his efforts on the HS tennis team. I don't think he ever imagined how much work it is being a HS athlete. Days they have matches, he is gone from 7 am until 8 pm. He is tired and sore a lot of the time, but he's keeping his grades up and every match, I can see that his tennis skills are getting better and better. And man, is the boy FIT! A lean, mean tennis machine, he is!
3. On the writing front, I am busy, and I'm thankful for the time I've had to write this week. I'm rewriting a tween/young YA to be a MG, based on feedback we've received on the book. Which means I'm basically writing an entire new book. Plus, I'm hoping to get 3-4 chapters done of another MG idea along with a synopsis done in the next couple of weeks. My in-laws are coming today to watch S. play tennis this evening, which means I have cleaning to do and a bed to make and groceries to buy. I hope I can get a few hours of writing squeezed in there.
4. Two library events coming up that I want to share here, in case I'm too busy writing in the next week to blog!
Thursday, 4/29 Sherwood Public Library, 6:30 - I will talking about and reading from IT'S RAINING CUPCAKES
Saturday, 5/1 Corvallis Public Library, 4:00 - A panel about writing YA with Suzanne Young and Lisa Madigan
Come and see me!!!
Hooray for husband's who fix things!