Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Giveaway of TWO highly sought after YA ARCs!!

I'm really excited to be participating in the Follower Love Giveaway Hop, hosted by Kathy Habel at I am a Reader, Not a Writer. Every month, Kathy organizes a "hop" so blog readers can quickly hop from blog to blog and enter to win lots and lots of prizes. So awesome!

I know a lot of people don't like Valentine's Day, but I do. Any day that is all about love is a fabulous day, in my opinion. Who was it that said, "All we need is love?" Some famous boy band, maybe?

Okay, so here is what you can win! One lucky person will win TWO ARCs, as follows.

First, From the December hop, I discovered that there are a LOT of people looking forward to DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth.

From Goodreads: 
One choice
One choice decides your friends, defines your beliefs, and determines your loyalties . . . forever.

Or, one choice can transform you.

In Veronica Roth's debut novel, Divergent, a perfect society unfolds into a dystopian world of electrifying decisions, stunning consequences, heartbreaking betrayals, and unexpected romance.

Source of the book: Publisher


SEAN GRISWOLD'S HEAD by my friend, Lindsey Leavitt. This one is even SIGNED by Lindsey.

From Goodreads: According to her guidance counselor, fifteen-year-old Payton Gritas needs a focus object—an item to concentrate her emotions on. It's supposed to be something inanimate, but Payton decides to use the thing she stares at during class: Sean Griswold's head. They've been linked since third grade (Griswold-Gritas—it's an alphabetical order thing), but she's never really known him.

The focus object is intended to help Payton deal with her father's newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis. And it's working. With the help of her boy-crazy best friend Jac, Payton starts stalking—er, focusing on—Sean Griswold . . . all of him! He's cute, he shares her Seinfeld obsession (nobody else gets it!) and he may have a secret or two of his own.

In this sweet story of first love, Lindsey Leavitt seamlessly balances heartfelt family moments, spot-on sarcastic humor, and a budding young romance.
Source of the book: Author/Publisher


1 entry - leave a comment telling me someone or something you LOVE.

Because it's a Follower Love giveaway, earn extra entries by doing the following and TELL me in the comments what you've done:
+ 1 following this blog (for either current followers OR new followers) 
+1 following me on twitter
+1 liking my Author page on facebook

Please make sure you give me a way to contact you if you should win. The contest runs from February 8th all the way through 11:59, February 13th, and is open to anyone who has a US OR Canadian address. 
I will announce the winner on February 14th!!

If you're new to my blog, thanks for stopping by! If you're one of my regular readers, thanks, as always for reading!

(Below is the list of blogs participating in the giveaway - click on as many links as you'd like and enter to win many more cool prizes!)


  1. I love my family and friends they always inspire me and bring so much happiness into my life. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

    +1 follower
    +1 facebook page
    + 1 comment


  2. What a great Giveaway! I love spending time with my newly wedded Husband.

    + 1 following this blog
    +1 twitter follower (@PelicanJL)
    +1 liking my Author page on facebook


  3. + 1 following this blog
    +1 following me on twitter
    +1 liking my Author page on facebook

    I love my dog Shady! Really, he's been this Buddha-rific soul in our lives. He's going to be 12 this year and is starting to show signs of his impending old age physically, but emotionally he's still a little pup. He loves life and has taught us to take pleasure in the simple things.

    Thanks to you and to our Shady-Pie!

  4. Oh I Love my husband and my children more than anything else in the entire world!! Great giveaway hun! this is amazing divergent looks amazing!!

    1 for follower
    1 for facebook like
    1 for comment


  5. I love my dog more than anything.

    +1-Liked facebook page (Jessy Boz)
    +1-Twitter follower (@emma015)

    findjessyhere at gmail dot com

  6. Good Morning Lisa! There are so many things I love but right now I most love my husband, Contact Cold and Flu, lovely Nyquil to knock me out, sweet daughters who bring me drinks and kleenex and toys and blankets, and sleep. :-)

    +1 follower
    +1 twitter
    +1 comment
    +1 (I think) Facebook - - I clicked the link and couldn't find a like button but then I think I have already done it in the past so maybe that is why? I have a cold muddled brain so if you can tell I haven't, please let me know because I certainly do like you lol

    Have a great writing day

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I love spending time with my family and friends. Its truly the best part of life.

    +1 GFC follower
    +1 twitter
    +1 FB like

    anedia @ gmail.com

    (forgot my email before hehe)

  9. I love my family, friends and cats more than anything! Eep. And I love yellow birthday cake with chocolate icing, heeheehee. :)

    +1 blog follower
    +1 Twitter follower (@Lena1xoxo)
    +1 Liked your author page on FB :)

    *crosses fingers and hopes*


  10. I LOVE volunteering at my summer camp for a week each year. It is always my favorite week of the year - I've been going/volunteering there for something like 11 years - those people are my family and I LOVE them and the whole experience!

    +1 twitter (I am @tiffanye)
    +1 following your blog

    PS I am REALLY looking forward to SGH! Heard great things about it from people with ARCs!

  11. +1 I obviously LOVE books cuz I'm a book blogger! :) And my dog.
    +1 follow via GFC as oreo_93
    +1 follow on twitter as @WulfLuva93
    +1 like on FB as Rachelle Hayes

    Total: 4

    oreo_93 at hotmail dot com

  12. I love SmartWool PhD socks so much I am probably violating laws.

    + 1 following this blog
    +1 twitter follower (@lizczukas)
    +1 liking my Author page on facebook

    Thanks for the contest!

    - Liz

  13. I love sitting at the lake in July and staring over the water as the sun sets and the tiny waves turn pink.

    I'm a follower of the blog and twitter.


    I really want to read both of these books! Great contest.

  14. I love the sweet snuggles from my children, 13, 11, 6. They are priceless and the older they get the more priceless they get! Great giveaway!

    + 1 following this blog
    +1 twitter (@cicistheories)
    +1 facebook (C. Tomaszewski-Cook)

    email...cicistheories [at] gmail [.] com

  15. I really love my Mom and my cats. And book bloggers.

    + 1 blog follower
    +1 twitter follower (@BookLabyrinth)


  16. Great giveaway!

    Love my girls and the fact that family is important to them.

    +1 Follower - I Read Banned Books
    +1 Twitter follower - @jenbigheart
    +1 FB Friend - Jen Rogers Bigheart

    jenbigheart at yahoo dot com


  17. I love chocolate! Yummy yummy....

    Thanks for this giveaway =)

    +1 Twitter follower (@FloeticFlo)

    TweetyB99 at aol dot com

  18. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    This is going to sound sappy but I love my boyfriend - I have a very stressful job and he supports me all the time with cuddles and makes me breakfast etc. I love him to bits.

    +1 Already a follower
    +1 Already follow you on Twitter
    +1 Liked the facebook page

    I like Valentine's Day too and I hope you have a good one! I foresee a nice meal for us :)


  19. Thanks for this great giveaway :)

    I love my family. Also I love cheese :)

    +1 told you something I love
    +1 follow this blog (Becky B.)
    +1 follow on twitter (@GeckyBoz)
    +1 liked your author page on facebook (Becky Boyer)


  20. I love my family members--all 80 billion of them. :)

    +1 follower
    +1 comment
    +1 follow on Twitter

    3 in total--thanks! :)


  21. I love books (obviously) my family, and my job. All three are very rewarding, and make my life happy.

    +1 comment
    +1 twitter follower
    +1 FB page (Ashley Benson

    basicallyamazingbooks [at] gmail.com

  22. I love my boyfriend Marty! I love swing on swing sets on warm summer days!

    +1 follower
    +1 twitter follower (@books_n_tea)

    jacqueline.c.goodman AT gmail DOT com

  23. I love the fact that veronica roth is so YOUNG and will be published soon! i'm proud of her and dont even know her! and i hope to follow in her footsteps as i begin querying my MS.

    1 point follower on twitter
    1 point facebook page
    1 point comment


  24. Haha I love my cat! It's nice coming home to him greeting me by the stairs and he keeps me warm when he curls up by me lol

    +1 followed
    These 2 books sound great! Thanks :]

  25. I love chocolate!!! And books!

    +1 blog follower

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  26. I love my hubby, kids, sister, parents, and my animals! (more than one!)

    +1 for the above comment
    +1 blog follower
    +1 twitter follower (@ReadingWifeJac)
    +1 liking on facebook

    =+4 total entries

    Thank you!

  27. I love finding a new great read along with my hubby and little tyke.

    gfc follower

  28. I love my sister. She is very special to me.

    +1 told you something I love
    +1 follow this blog (Reading With Martinis)
    +1 follow on twitter (@MartiniReading)
    +1 liked your author page on facebook (Kelly Houser)

  29. OMG thanks for this giveaway!! I love my family.

    +1 GFC follower
    +1 twitter follower (@RosaShah)
    +1 like facebook page


  30. I love my puppy Biscuit!!!


  31. I love my new BF...he's the most amazing man I know!

    +1 new follower
    +1 Twitter (@Darth_Chic)
    +1 Facebook
    +1 comment


    Awesome giveaway!!

  32. I love... my puppy dog, Claire.

    +1 I follow under Gabrielle Carolina
    +1 following me on twitter (@modpodgebooks)
    +1 liking my Author page on facebook (Gabrielle Carolina)

    That is 4 entries! :)

  33. Thanks for the awesomeness that is this giveaway! Ofcourse, I love my family and friends....but i realized that I just LOVE my day-dreaming ability. Yea, it hinders my attention span in history class sometimes but darn it, i just think of the craziest things sometimes >.<

    +1 comment entry
    +1 blog follower! gfc (jamad)
    +1 twitter follower (@JazzyJay673)
    +1 LOVED your fb author page! (Jamad Artan)

    Thanks again!
    Jamad Artan

  34. I love book so much so that I spend all my money on them! :)
    Can't wait to read these two!

    +1 follower (A Rick)
    +1 like Facebook page
    +1 comment
    +1 twitter follower @arick01


  35. + 1 following this blog @veltara
    +1 following me on twitter @scarletredwill
    +1 liking my Author page on facebook @ aurora momcilovich
    Someone I love ♥♥♥
    Harry Potter.....!


  36. I love ice cream. I'm eating some right now even though it's like zero degrees outside.


  37. I love my Beagle-Basset Hound Jeb. He makes me smile all day long, and he is such a good snuggler! I don't think I would live without him!

    +1 GFC: Elizabeth OR Elisquared
    +1 Twitter: @eli2squared
    +1 FB: Elizabeth W.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. i LOVE MY LIFE My kids and grandkids fulfill my life. I would love to win wither of these books. All books won are given to the Middletown Highschool after they are reviewed.

    +1 follower-Lora1967
    +1 Facebook Lora WIedenheft
    +1 Comment

  40. I love my kiddos! They make me a better person every day. Thank you for the contest!

    +1 GFC follower
    +1 comment


  41. I love playing the flute! I love everything about it, even the hard work. It brings me joy.

    +1 GFC follower
    +1 Twitter Follower
    +1 Comment

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)


  42. +1 - I love my boyfriend ^.^

    +1 - GFC Follower


  43. +1 GFC follower
    +1 twitter = @mooncatfarms
    +1 FB like = mooncatfarms
    +1 comment

    I love my husband. He is my rock in this wild world.

    Thank you for the great giveaway,
    onebookshy at yahoo dot com

  44. I love my fiancee he rocks and totally suports my book adiction

    +1 follower SiNn
    +1 facebook page beverly G
    + 1 twitter @bainesgoddess


  45. Love my husband. Love my friends. Love my pets. Love to read :)

    +1 follower

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  46. Thanks for the fab giveaway. I love my mom.

    +1 GFC follower
    +1 like on FB
    +1 Comment


  47. I love my son, my cat, and I love to read.

  48. I love book stores . . . and I'm not talking about the aisle at Wal-Mart, but a REAL bookstore. Independents are my favorites (they're more friendly IMO), but the biggies are good too.

    +1 follower (I didn't realize you had a blogger blog until now)
    +1 FB page
    +1 Twitter follower
    +1 commenting

    I think you might already have one of my email addresses, but here's the one I check most often:

    jstradling (at) treasuretoyfoxterriers (dot)com

  49. I am a new GFC follower. Thanks for the giveaway. I love my family and friends. m.ramey@ymail.com

  50. Thanks for the chance to win! I love lots of things, but since v-day is around the corner, I will say that most of all I love my husband! He is the best.

    +1 GFC Follower
    +1 Twitter follower (@seescootread)


  51. I love my family, friends and
    +1 ~ I follow you via GFC.windycindy
    +1 ~ I "Like" your Author
    Facebook Page...Cindi Hoppes
    Many thanks to you...

  52. Thanks for the giveaway! Divergent is on my MUST READ list! I love caramel macchiattos...and my boyfriend Nick :D

    I am a new follower!
    I liked your facebook page
    I follow twitter @hense1kk
    hense1kk AT cmich DOT edu

  53. Great giveaway!

    I love my nieces :)

    I follow you on twitter (@writertessa) and LJ.

    tessadevan at hotmail dot com

  54. I love my life currently. I am going to go to college this year and I'm just enjoying what's going on with the rest of my senior year.

    +1 following blog
    +1 facebook page (Kasey LeBlanc)
    +1 Twitter (kkamll)


  55. I absolutely adore flowers!

    +1 follower
    Email: divya.lagisetti@gmail.com

  56. +1 New follower
    +1 Like FB (BK Walker)
    +1 Follow Twitter (@bk36)

    Happy Hopping,


    bkwalkerbooks at comcast dot net

  57. I love to win books...
    Oh yes and other stuff too - mostly food and the hubby.
    Thank you!

  58. I love my family most. In addition:
    .books(bookstores/libraries/book sites/book blogs)
    .my many magazine subscriptions
    .movies/TV/music(eclectic taste)

    +1 GFC(MonaG)
    +1 Twitter(@Kulmona)
    +1 Like you on FB(Mona Garg)


  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I love my son! He has expanded my world so much, and the 5 long years it took me to have him were worth every bit of heartache!

    +1 comment
    + 1 following this blog
    +1 liking my Author page on facebook


  61. I love my husband and my children. I couldn't imagine life without them.

    +1 follower Twitter @CurlingByFire

    icewoman96 at gmail dot com

  62. I love my cats and my bunny!

    I follow this blog and I follow on twitter (@squiggles87)


  63. Thank you for the giveaway!

    I love relaxing. Reading, watching TV or movies, napping...love it all! =)

    +1 - follower (Erin/fletch8502)
    +1 - twitter (teachwritelive)

    fletch8502 at yahoo dot com

    Quitting My Day Job

  64. I have to say that I love my family. When it comes down to it, nothing matters more to me.

    +1 follower
    +1 twitter @Bookworm_Lisa
    +1 facebook page - Lisa Snider Faber

    ke7yca at gmail dot com

  65. I love lots of things, like my family and friends, books, music, and movies!
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

    soccer_pam at hotmail dot com

  66. I love my 6 year old niece, Anna! :)
    I am a new follower.
    I liked your facebook page. (Angela Sanders)
    I am following you on twitter. (@adsanders77)

    adsanders77 at gmail dot com

  67. I love those quiet moments when the world around me is peaceful. I love to read. I love my husband, my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. I love the siblings I've been able to make contact with and those I haven't. And I'm learning to love revisions; they're amazing, especially after a very thorough crit.

  68. I love my little boy! He is the sunshine of my life!
    +1 GFC follower (Lexie@BookBug)
    +1 Twitter follower (@LexieBookBug)
    +1 Like on FB (Lexie May Hogan)

  69. I love to spend time in my room, with my laptop, WIP, and music. I also love to spend time in the kitchen with my mom, drinking tea.

    + twitter follower (@CrafterCat)
    + Like on your facebook page
    + 1 Comment


  70. I love my family. I especially love to hang out with my sister. :)

    +1 blog follower

    nalynboni AT gmail DOT com

    Thank you for the chance!

  71. Hi Lisa... I'm giving away an autographed copy of the supernatural thriller Drowned Sorrow for the Follower Love Giveaway Hop. Drowned Sorrow has been called "the scariest book of the year" and it's the story of a remote village where water has become a supernatural element that can think and kill. If you're interested, my contest is open internationally and can be found here: Follower Love Giveaway Hop - Win An Autographed Copy Of Drowned Sorrow.

  72. I love reading great books. :) Awesome giveaway!

    +1 Comment
    +1 Blog follower
    +1 Twitter follower (@woven_)
    +1 Like FB page


  73. I love the fam. They are just great!

    +1 follower of this blog
    +1 follow Twitter (@mdmaurer)

    umdmaurer at gmail dot com

  74. I love Magic, my furbaby. :D

    Thanks for the great giveaway.


  75. Yay! I love my family, and I'm entirely sad to be living away from them and my friends right now. So, I indulge with my other love, chocolate! hehe

    +1 for following (gfc, Annerb)

  76. I love laying in the hammock reading a book with my husband :)

    +1 follower.

    bchild5 at aol dot com

  77. I love my boyfriend and my cats quite a bit. And my family, too.

    +1 follower
    +1 twitter follower as @sablelexi

    jlynettes @ hotmail . com

  78. Love my grandkids!
    gfc follower (lgm52)

  79. I love the great outdoors---spring is coming!

    +1 GFC follower

    kissinoak at frontier dot com

  80. I love my family and of course a great book!

  81. i LOVE my little boy :)

    he has changed my life so much!

    gfc missmarsee

  82. I love my puppy!
    GFC follower
    Twitter follower
    Facebook fan

  83. I have really been wanting to read both of these books! Here's hoping I win. Thanks so much for offering these books up! :D

    I love reading. Well, duh. Stating the obvious. One thing I love even more than reading though is photography!

    +1 Old blog follower
    +1 Old twitter follower @thebookpixie
    +1 Old Facebook fan


  84. I love my wonderful husband!

    +1 follower
    +1 Twitter follower (@writeforareader)
    +1 facebook

    shelcows AT gmail DOT com

  85. +1 blog follower (Brooke)

    I love books! And chocolate!
    Thanks so much!


  86. I love my family and your verse novels! Thank you so much for the amazing giveaway! love :):)

    +1 comment
    +1 new follower
    +1 facebook page

  87. I love my husband, children, grandchildren, friends, and all my animals!!

    follower +1-GFC-judy
    twitter +1 @ladymagnolia99


  88. This is Alexis! haha got a little excited

    email address is alexis0407(AT)yahoo(DOT)com

  89. I love my mom she is all I have and my kittys they bring alot to my life and make me smile everyday!
    Thanks so much for this great giveaway!
    +1 GFC follower/latishajean
    +1 Twitter follower/latishajean
    +1 follow on FB/latisha D
    tishajean@ charter.net

  90. I love that you're giving away this book...I read about it and am totally dying to give it a a read.

    GFC - geekdgirl


    +2 total entries

  91. I love my boyfriend (: He's always there for me and does (almost) everything I ask him to do for me. He's nice, kind-hearted and is willing to put up with my crap. Thanks for the giveaway!

    +1 GFC follower (tearyeyedstars)
    +1 twitter (@tearyeyedstars)
    +1 facebook (Et TheAlien)

    ejhtan at gmail dot com

  92. I love creating lesson plans...and then seeing my students engaged when one REALLY works!

    +1 follower of blog
    +1 Facebook (Tammy Friel Gillmore)
    +1 Twitter (tgillmore

    The girls in my classes loved I Heart You, You Haunt Me!

  93. I love my niece! She lives in another state & I miss her a lot. I wish I could watch her grow up and teach her things. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    +1 GFC Follower: Saba M.
    +1 Comment
    +1 Liked FB Page: Saba Molai
    +1 Twitter: @SabaMolai


  94. I love my pets.

    Comment +1
    GFC Follower +1
    FB Liked +1

    Total= 3

    couponcookie at gmail dot com

  95. 4 entries as I am Glenda Cates on GFC Facebook is Mommies Point of View and Twitter is Moms Reviews and I Love my son and my husband.

  96. Great contest!

    Besides the obvious answer of family and friends- I have to say I love riding my horse. He's calm enough so I can hop on, hit the trail and read a book while he wanders (or I can take a nap). He's such a good buddy and when I ride him everything else melts away!

    +1 follower
    +1 Facebook
    +1 Twitter
    +1 comment


  97. I love my mom for everything she's done by herself for my sister and I. I am forever thankful to have the best mom in the world. I also REALLY love my lovely greyhound Ruby, she's the best!! <3

    I also love this great giveaway you have here ;) Thank you!!

    + 1 following this blog (Tawni Coakley)
    +1 following me on twitter (TawniBookWorm)
    +1 liking my Author page on facebook (Tawni Coakley)

    Thanks again!

  98. Well, right now I love YOU! Well, I always love you, but I'm feeling a bunch of extra love for you at the moment. You'll find it in a post on my blog that I'm currently editing a bit so I hopefully don't sound too crazy.
    I want both of these ARC's BAD!
    I follow your blog.
    I follow you on twitter.
    I 'like' you on FB.

    Thank you!
    candace_redinger at yahoo dot com

  99. I love so many things. Obviously my family but since I was diagnosed with a rare progressive neuromuscular disease, things changed and people act differently towards me.
    That's where Bear comes in. He's my 110 lb German Shepard mix that never leaves my side and seems to always know what I'm thinking. I don't know what I'd do without him.

    As far as the contest goes:

    I'm a follower of your blot
    I like your FB page
    I tweeted about the contest
    I'm a tweeter follower @the_bookfaery
    I have my own blog sometimes I go by the book faery and sometimes Kristi

    My email is dearkristi@hotmail.com
    Good luck with everything

  100. I love my kitty cat!
    +1 GFC follower
    +1 Facebook like
    +1 twitter follower

  101. I'm not very patient. I want Sean now. And yes, I follow you everywhere. Of course. :-)

  102. I know this sounds silly, but I love thunderstorms. We recently moved from a very thunderstorm-prone part of the country to a very dry part of the country and I miss the rain.

    +1 blog follower
    +1 Twitter follower
    +1 Facebook follower
    +1 Commenting

  103. I love my husband and 5 wonderful kids!

    +1 follow in GFC (new follower)
    +1 follow on twitter as @stickyprints

    Kissyjensen at gmail dot com

  104. I LOVE my darling niece, Layana. She turns one on the first of March. <3



  105. I love my children more then anything. I wasn't complete until they came into my life.
    +1 GFC follower


  106. + 1 follower (old)
    +1 following me on twitter (@maryinhb)
    +1 liking my Author page on facebook (new)

    I love your books!

  107. I love my cats, they keep me company :)

    +1 blog follower
    +1 @bookpurring
    +1 facebook page


  108. I love my son!
    +1 I am a follower
    +1 I follow on twitter @bangersis
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  109. I love my family and friends! Thanks for the giveaway!


  110. I love my husband and son (and books!)

    TaraTagli at gmail dot com

  111. I'm a follower! +1

    Follow you on twitter @taralin +1

    TaraTagli at gmail dot com

  112. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Well, of course I love my family and friends, but I think that is a generic answer. So, if we're being unique, I love frozen blueberries and honey :)

    +1 follower
    +1 Facebook like
    +1 Twitter follower

    =4 entries :)



  113. I love my daughters and my grandkids, they make my life complete.

    +1 Old GFC follower as seriousreader

    +1 Twitter as BookOwner

    +1 Facebook as Linda Henderson

    seriousreader at live dot com

  114. I love my sweet little dog.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  115. I love my beautiful baby girl, even though she is going through her terrible two's. Haha.

    Val @ Truth Be Told

    truthbetold004 at gmail dot com

  116. I like your FB page. :)

    Val truthbetold004 at gmail dot com

  117. I follow you on twitter

    Val truthbetold004 at gmail dot com

  118. I follow this blog.

    Val truthbetold004 at gmail dot com

  119. I am a new Follower.

    I love my grandmother...even though she is not with us anymore. She made me realise my love for poetry.

  120. Thanks for the giveaway and for participating in this blog hop! The "someone" I love the most is my husband and children for without them life would have no meaning or purpose.

    +1 Already follow via GFC (Bornajhawk).
    +1 Twitter follower @MamaHendo3.
    +1 "Liked" your author page on FB (Laura G. Henderson).


  121. The love of my life is my husband Jonathan. We'll celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary in April, and I love him more than ever!

    +1 follower
    +1 liked FB page (Laura Woodside Hartness)
    +1 comment
    +1 follow on Twitter (@LHartness)

    Thanks for participating in the hop!

    Laura Hartness
    The Calico Critic
    CalicoCritic at gmail dot com

  122. Well, of course I love my friends and family but outside the standard responses, I LOVE a lazy Sunday afternoon!

    +1 Follower
    +1 Facebook Page
    +1 Twitter
    +1 Comment

    jen.l.strand at gmail dot com

  123. Hi Lisa!

    I love DFW Writers' Workshop, my stalwart critique group. I couldn't have made it this far without them!

    +1 blog follower
    +1 twitter follower
    +1 facebook page "like"

    Jenny Martin

  124. I love my wonderful boyfriend :).

    +1 follower
    +1 comment

    breakkanamexd [at] aol [dot] com
    Books and a Cup of Tea

  125. I love my husband and my 3 beautiful kids. It's hard to know what real love is until you become a mom :)

    +1 follower
    +1 like on facebook
    +1 follow on twitter (@joleneallcock)


  126. I love chocolate!

    +1- Google follower


  127. I love my famliy and bf. They wonderful & loving =). Thank you so much for the chance!

    + 1 following this blog GFC: PiinkPoodle
    +1 following on twitter: @musfas
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    swttie at gmail dot com

  128. I love chocolate!
    Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
    Best wishes,

  129. I follow in GFC!
    Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
    Best wishes,

  130. I love my family and animals.
    +1 GFC follower
    +1 FB
    +1 twitter follower @mbreakfield

  131. I love my family and my doggies!


  132. awesome giveaway
    GFC follower
    I love my family and friends. also i couldnt live without music so thats another thing i love too


  133. I love my family and I LOVE a great book:)
    I am a follower.

    msdarcy22 at aol dot com
