Monday, February 7, 2011

Motivational Monday - on waiting

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." ~Carl Sagan

HERE, you'll see that literary agent Jenn Laughran explains why it's really not a good idea to publicly talk about what's out on submission. So, I will refrain on talking about that as far as my work goes.

But I heard something the other day that I wanted to pass on. Because I know the waiting can be hard at times. It doesn't bother me nearly as much now as it used to. It's simply a part of the publishing business, and I decided a while ago that if I'm going to be in this business, I basically have to accept that fact, even if I don't like it much.

Joyce Meyer says that when we get frustrated that something hasn't happened that we've been waiting for, we should stop and send up a prayer of thanks. Because in that moment, God is working on our behalf, even if we can't see the results of that work yet. So we can say, "Thank you for working on my behalf," and be comforted by the fact that things are happening, even if we can't really see those things.

We aren't a very patient society. Especially today, when you can see the news the minute it happens by logging into twitter or facebook. But when it comes to the publishing business, we really have to learn how to be patient. There is no other way. The waiting will drive you crazy if you let it. So don't let it. Keep busy. Keep working. Tell yourself when the time is right, it will happen. And in the meantime, be grateful for the unseen work being done on your behalf.

Do you have any tips you can share about how you deal with the waiting?


In other news - I want to make sure you know about two events coming up this month. First, this Friday, Feb. 12th at 4:30, I'll be doing a Young Writer's Workshop at Powell's Bookstore on Cedar Hills Blvd. in Beaverton. This workshop is mostly for kids ages 10-18, but I sat in on the last one and they didn't kick me out. So, come if you'd like! And then, on Saturday, Feb. 26th, I'm doing a YA panel with four other YA authors at the Sumner Pierce County Library in Sumner, WA, starting at 2:00. We'll be speaking, answering questions, and selling and signing books. So come if you're in the area! Remember, you can always check my "events" page on my website, to see what's coming up and where I'll be.


  1. I have been keeping this saying in my mind the past few days :-)

    And, as I said before, whenever I feel myself getting frustrated or impatient that things aren't happening the way I'd like or think they should, I repeat to myself what I tell my girls almost daily: Patience means waiting with a smile.

    Your two events coming up sound wonderful. I know the children attending the workshop will be blessed. I wish they had something like that when I was younger!

  2. so what I need to hear today. I feel like I'm wasting away in waiting...I do feel a little crazy about it. Thanks for sharing your insights, I do know that God is in control of each day.

  3. Lisa: Seriously, your blog posts keep me sane. Lovely and helpful as always. And your workshops sounds like buckets of fun! Will there be cupcakes? :)
