Monday, May 7, 2012

From my mail

Here are a few tidbits from the letters I've received over the past couple of months. Thank you SO much for your enthusiasm, dear readers, and for sharing my books with others. I've said it before and I'll say it again a million times - the BEST thing you can do for an author whose books you love is to tell others about them!! So THANK YOU for all you do to help spread the word!

Here's a cupcake for all of you, courtesy of Anna, who is a GREAT artist, wouldn't you say?

"I've been telling everyone about your books and telling them to read them." ~Anna, age 10

"A few months ago, 4 friends and I started a book club. Guess what? It's Raining Cupcakes was our first book." ~Charlotte

"One of my friends made the Smores cupcakes, and they tasted soooo delicious." ~Dhavin, 5th grade

"I love your book It's Raining Cupcakes. I love the way I feel like I'm in the story." ~Olivia, age 8

"I've recommended your books to lots of my friends and they loved them, so please consider writing another book about Sophie, Isabel and Dennis." ~ Sarah, age 8 1/2

"I have a dog, his name is Leno! Like Jay Leno because he has a black hair stripe." ~Sydney, age 10

"For my book report, I drew the cupcake shop and Isabel, Sophie, Isabel's dad, mom and grandmother."
 ~Nicole, age 11

"This book (I Heart You, You Haunt Me) makes me want to appreciate all the things in life I have, big and small, while I still have them." ~Jaycie

"I did your book Chasing Brooklyn for a book talk at school and now all the girls in my class (16 of them) are reading your books." ~Sabrina

"Just recently I lost my three year old cousin to a house fire. Your books about joy not sorrow are truly helping me." ~Morgan, 9th grade


  1. And that's what it's all about.

  2. Oh Lisa, those are so sweet! So nice of them to take the time to write you and of course to share the books with everyone. Awhile back I ordered The Day Before for my sisters and sister in laws as well as donated a few copies. And I know my sisters at least have shared it with others and they wanted to know your other books. So yes, word of mouth is huge!
